PART II – Tallest Statues And Monuments

Human have for many thousands of years built huge monuments and statues designed as memorials or signs of religious dedications they are normally designed to convey a powerful message across the local region. So here in this article you are going to know about the top 15 tallest statues and monuments on Earth.

#15. The Great Buddha Of Thailand

The great buddha of Thailand also known as the big buddha is a massive statue of the Buddha located in the Watmwang temple in the aangtang province of Thailand at a height of 300 feet or 92 meters the statue is the tallest freestanding Buddha in Thailand and the second talles in Southeast Asia the construction of the statue began in 1990 and was completed in 2008 in a seated posture called the maravijay attitude the great Buddha of Thailand is made of reinforced concrete and covered in gold paint wit a stunning and intricate design that showcases the details of traditional Thai art. The statue is an impressive site visible for miles around and drawing thousands of visitors each year one of the most striking features of the great Buddha of Thailand is the Serene expression on the Buddha’s face which exudes a sense of peace and Tranquility that is felt by all who visit the status’s size and Grandeur are also awe-inspiring and visitors often describe feeling a sense of humility and reverence in the presence of such a magnificent worker of art the what wrong Temple is where the statue is located it’s also an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists the temple complex is home to several other smaller Buddha atatues as well as other important religious and cultural artifacts and with the great Buddha as the focal point it plays a hugely important role in local worship.

#14. The Mother Of All Asia Tower Of Peace, Philippines

At 322 feet or 98.1 meters tall including its plinth the mother of all Asia Tower of peace is the tallest statue of the Virgin Mary on Earth and can be found in the city of Batangas in the Philippines construction began on the monument in 2014 and was completed seven years later and within it there is a floor area of around 130 000 square feet or about twelve thousands square meters on the ground floor there is the Saint John Paul II Shrine which is a place of worship while the remaining space is used for the reception halls 20 Marion chapels a food Hall two theaters conference rooms an observation deck and commercila in residential areas the initial idea for the Statue came from a Catholic priest Fernando Suarez who’s part of the merry mother of poor foundation and after raising the necessary funds it became question of where the tower should be built the location in Batanga city was chosen because of its access to the rest of the country and Asia and was part of the festivities to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the introduction of Christianity in the Philippines now seen as a symbol of peace and unity for the continent and around the world its success has meant there are now discussions about designing an even bigger statue of the Virgin Mary for another region in the country.

#13. Wishan Guan Yin, China

Of the Thousand hands and eyes is a unique representation of Buddhist goddess of mercy and compassion guanyin founded the Mian temple in Hunan Province China this statue is particularly noteworthy for its intricate details and symbolism making it a popular attraction for visitors and pilgrims standing at 325 feet or 99 meters tall it’s the fourth tallest statue in China and is adorned with what’s meant to represent a thousand hands and eyes this version of barisattva guanyin is a symbol of her omniscience and imnipotence as well her ability to help aid those who call upon her each of the Thousand hands holds a different Buddhist symbol such as a lotus flower or a Buddhist scripture or is making an equivalent sign while the eyes symbolize her ability to see and understand the suffering of all living beings the statues made with gilded bronze and while a version of it had been present since the Ming Dynasty the giant one that stands today was only completed in 2009 for following investment from a local business and the government in the region in addition to its symbolic value the statue is also a marvel of engineering as it was constructed using ancient Chinese techniques that allowed for its impressive size and weight visitors to the temple can admire the statue from below or climb a series of stairs to reach a platform at the statue’s feet from this vantage point details of the statue up close and take in the incredible views of the surroundings mountain landscape.

#12. Sendai Daikanan, Japan

Sendai guy Cannon is a magnificent statue located in Sendai Japan that stands at an impressive height of 330 feet or 100 meters which when it was completed made it the tallest statue in the world although This Record has since been broken it’s a representation of Canon the Buddhist goddess of Mercy but it’s also known as the Canon of Miyagi its construction began in 1984 and was completed in 1991 after seven years of work and it’s made of steel and concrete which means it weighs around 9 000 tons the overall design is inspired by the Canon statues found in ancient temples of Japan but its modern architectural features differentiated with the designers ensuring there are nods to history throughout the statue’s interior is hollow and contains various exhibition halls and observation decks which offer stunning views of the city of Sendai and the surrounding mountains visitors can access the observation decks via an elevator that takes them up to the statue’s hand and across the q2 floors there are 108 miniature Buddha statues on display in wooden cases Zendaya is a popular destination for both tourists and locals alike it’s a symbol of peace and healing and many visitors come to the Statue to pray for good health and Fortune the statue surrounded by a large park which is adorned with cherry blossom trees that bloom in the spring making it a perfect spot for self-reflection and reaching a state of peace and tranquility.

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